SamY wrote: 
> I agree with Chris. If you are determined to use variable player output
> (against our recommendations), you should set the Quick Select volume to
> the dB level you want it to be when you increase the analog player
> volume to 100%, which I would expect to be much higher than the 27dB
> that you are using now. With the player output fixed at 100% on my
> system, I routinely listen at levels of around 50dB. I understand that
> the number will vary depending on things like the efficiency of your
> speakers, but 27dB still seems way too low.
I'm using on my Denon not the dB scale, but the 0-98 scale.
So the 27 is then i think 27% and -53db ?

I understand the 100% fixed outpout, but somhow i want also control the
volume a little bit with LMS.
Therefor i try to achieve a level of 80% of LMS to tweak the volume a
little bit remotly.  If i want to get volume very high i will walk to
the Amp to control the volume.

My question is maybe not clear explained by me.
The question was if it is possible to change the maximum volume field in
to % instead of the dB scale ?
This will not change the functionality of the setting, but makes it
easier to setup or control. Maybe not so easy to change :rolleyes:

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