slartibartfast wrote: 
> It might be worth setting logging for the Firmware plugin to debug
> before checking for an update and then checking the server log.

Thanks for you help and suggestions!

I've checked the server log and it gives errors:

[21-05-25 17:04:22.4672] main::init (390) Starting Logitech
Media Server (v8.2.0, 1621831622, Mon May 24 07:09:33 CEST 2021) perl
5.018002 - darwin-thread-multi-2level
[21-05-25 17:04:22.6608] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1341) Warning:
[17:04:22.6604] You're using a rather old version of IO::Socket::SSL
(v1.966) - please try to update to at least 2.020 for improved
[21-05-25 17:04:26.4531] Slim::Utils::Firmware::init_firmware_download
(132) Downloading fab4.version file...
[21-05-25 17:04:26.4534] Slim::Utils::Firmware::need_upgrade (332) no
firmware for fab4 - can't upgrade
[21-05-25 17:04:26.4696] Slim::Utils::Firmware::BASE (44) Firmware check
[21-05-25 17:04:26.4699] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsync (468)
Downloading in the background:
-> /Users/jpeeters/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/updates/fab4.version
[21-05-25 17:04:26.7424] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsyncError (580)
Warning: Firmware: Failed to download
(Connect timed out: ), will try again in 10 minutes.
[21-05-25 17:04:26.7428] Slim::Utils::Firmware::init_fw_error (251) fab4
firmware download had an error
[21-05-25 17:04:26.7445] Slim::Utils::Firmware::get_fw_locally (272)
Using existing firmware for fab4:
[21-05-25 17:04:26.7453] Slim::Utils::Firmware::need_upgrade (354) fab4
doesn't need an upgrade (has: 7.8.0 r16754, server has: 7.8.0 16754)
[21-05-25 17:04:41.6020] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsyncError (580)
Warning: Firmware: Failed to download
(Connect timed out: Bad file descriptor), will try again in 20 minutes.
[21-05-25 17:04:41.6025] Slim::Utils::Firmware::init_fw_error (251) fab4
firmware download had an error
[21-05-25 17:04:41.6031] Slim::Utils::Firmware::get_fw_locally (272)
Using existing firmware for fab4:
[21-05-25 17:04:41.6041] Slim::Utils::Firmware::need_upgrade (354) fab4
doesn't need an upgrade (has: 7.8.0 r16754, server has: 7.8.0 16754)
[21-05-25 17:05:46.8834] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Common::__ANON__ (84)
Failed fetching filters from MusicIP

What I find weird is that there is no data for the last days. And to
check if the logs were only generated when starting up the server I've
just restarted the server but that doesn't add any lines to the log.

I've also set in Server Settings/Advanced under 'Logging' the
'(player.firmware) - Player Firmware Upgrade Logging' to DEBUG. 
After that I restarted the Touch player and went to software update but
I don't know how tosee the log for this. 
Thanks for suggestions.

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