Two days ago Spotty decided that it would not play the music.

And before that it did work? Nothing changed you're aware of? No update anywhere?

I run the LMS on a Pi, I also run picoreplayer on another pi. And, yes,
they are a bit old and running old versions.

What kind of Pi, and what version of pCP?

After reading some more in the thread, I can add that in the file type
setting I only have PCM enabled for Spotty, OGG and mp3 are greyed out
and thus also inactive, flac is set to inactive (I see the Swedish
version of the lms admin so I don't know if the English term is disabled
or inactive).

What about flac? Did you try it?

I guess that it is the legacy helper that defines these

Some of them: PCM/FLAC should always be available. Ogg direct depends on the helper indeed. 0.12 wouldn't support it. MP3 requires lame to be installed on your system.
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