ralphy wrote: 
> I would recommend using -o hw:CARD=D10,DEV=0 for the output device.
> If you are using the USB interface to the DAC try -a 120:4::0
> If you still experience pops/clicks then try -a 16384:4096

I have been getting popping noises on my Pi4 headphone output when
playing FLACs (not radio). To stop the popping I have tried both "-a
120:4::0" and "-a 16384:4096::0" and both seem to work!  A while ago I
had problems with the sound breaking up and I added "-a :::0" which
fixed it.  But can anyone explain what this actually is doing? The Wiki

-a <b>:<p>:<f>:<m>        Specify ALSA params to open output device, b =
buffer time in ms or size in bytes, p = period count or size in bytes, f
sample format (16|24|24_3|32), m = use mmap (0|1)

Frankly I have no idea what this means, which buffer, whether the
specified numbers are in ms or bytes, what period, what is mmap, and
will there be a delay on the audio output as a result!? And more
importantly why do I need to specify this on my system which couldn't be
simpler, or Is there something more sinister going on? Surely defaults
should work on a simple system?

- Pi4
- Raspbian 10 (Buster)
- ExecStart=/usr/bin/squeezelite -o plughw:CARD=Headphones,DEV=0 -n
Pi_SqueezeliteService -C 5 -a 120:4::0
- LMS 8.1.2 - 1624550702 @ Thu Jun 24, 2021
- Squeezelite v1.9.9-1386
- Also 2 other SB3s, but these were unsync'd during testing.

Any help/insight much appreciated!

SB3 -> Quad 909 -> Quad Electrostatic speakers, Quad 405 -> TBI
3 x SB3s + SB Radio
LMS on Raspbian on a Pi4
Rotel RSP1068 surround processor, Quad 707 -> B&W surround
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