cpd73 wrote: 
> I -might- enable the playback shortcuts for mobile and desktop, but for
> now if you create a file named "custom.js" within a "material-skin"
> sub-folder of your LMS's "prefs" folder with the following contents,
> then it should work:
> > 
  >   > 
  > if (IS_MOBILE) { // desktop already catches  these shortcuts, so dont want 
them handled twice!
  > var playerIsPlaying = false;
  > Mousetrap.addKeycodes({ // Codes from 
  > 174: 'decvol',
  > 175: 'incvol',
  > 182: 'decvolfirefox',
  > 183: 'incvolfirefox'
  > })
  > // 'bind' keys that we are interested in
  > bindKey('up', 'alt', true);
  > bindKey('down', 'alt', true);
  > bindKey('space');
  > bindKey('decvol', undefined, true);
  > bindKey('incvol', undefined, true);
  > bindKey('decvolfirefox', undefined, true);
  > bindKey('incvolfirefox', undefined, true);
  > bindKey('left', 'alt', true);
  > bindKey('right', 'alt', true);
  > // Act on keys being pressed
  > bus.$on('keyboard', function(key, modifier) {
  > // Ignore shortcurt if there is no player or we have a menu/dialog open
  > if (!store.state.player || store.state.visibleMenus.size>0 || 
(store.state.openDialogs.length>0 && 
store.state.openDialogs[0]!='info-dialog'))  {
  > return;
  > }
  > var command = undefined;
  > if (undefined==modifier) {
  > if (key=='space') {
  > command=[playerIsPlaying ? 'pause' : 'play'];
  > } else if (key=='incvol' || key=='incvolfirefox') {
  > bus.$emit('adjustVolume', true);
  > } else if (key=='decvol' || key=='decvolfirefox') {
  > bus.$emit('adjustVolume', false);
  > }
  > } else if ('alt'==modifier) {
  > if (key=='up') {
  > bus.$emit('adjustVolume', true);
  > } else if (key=='down') {
  > bus.$emit('adjustVolume', false);
  > } else if (key=='left') {
  > command=['button', 'jump_rew'];
  > } else if (key=='right') {
  > command=['playlist', 'index', '+1'];
  > }
  > }
  > if (command) {
  > lmsCommand(store.state.player.id, command).then(({data}) => {
  > bus.$emit('updatePlayer', store.state.player.id);
  > });
  > }
  > });
  > // Need to keep trak of whether current player is playing or not, so know 
when to play and when to pause
  > bus.$on('playerStatus', function(playerStatus) {
  > playerIsPlaying = playerStatus.isplaying;
  > });
  > }
> > 

This works perfectly. Thank you! Everything is inching closer to being

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