I finally managed to solve the issue: I was running LMS 8.1.0 on a
docker that was sitting on my Qnap NAS. When browsing into its
directories, I found out that since roughly august, it had dowloaded
8.2.0 but failed to auto update. After searching the web, I discovered
that Qnap was in the middle of stopping supporting the dockers by the
end of the year and that the alternative they had (switching from LXC to
LXD containers) was not a one for one migration. In the meantime, many
users reported lots of issues with the old containers and I guess that
was my issue.

Finally, I discovered that the qnapclub.eu had made available a good old
.qpkg version of LMS (as it was made available directly by Qnap perhaps
5 years ago) which I directly installed. This has allowed my Qnap to
have LMS 8.3.0 running directly on it, without the hassle of a docker.
Then, for some strange reason, it failed to detect the new firmware even
if I did ask to check now for updates. And more surprising, the logs
where not showing the very new actions. It seems it has a 30 minutes
delay before what you do can be seen in the log. But finally, the 8.0.1
firmware has been made available on my baby SB and I was able to lauch
the update and now everything works fine (just had to struggle finding
again my youtube api key).

I'll see if 8.0.1 solves the wifi issue I have with one of my SB or if I
have to install above POMdev's wlanpoke. The good nwes is that I'm now
in a better situation than this morning (LMS 8.3.0 instead of 8.1.0,
running directly on the NAS instead of in a docker and SB firmware
upgraded from 7.7.3 to 8.0.1). But this has been quite a work ;-)

vravolta's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=72279
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=113479

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