Hi Philippe,

I am using the AirPlay Bridge plugin for my Audio Pro Addon C10 device.
This used to work fine until a few weeks ago, when suddenly I started to
experience severe audio-dropouts. Resetting the device to factory
settings made things even worse: I now hear only a very short fragment
of each song before the music silences completely.

I'm not sure whether the problems are related to the device itself
(there has been an automatic firmware update a while back) or to the
bridge plugin. Does the following log-file provide some clues about this

    Starting Squeeze2raop: 
 -Z -I -b -f /config/logs/raopbridge.log -x 
  [14:30:50.519892] main:1569 Starting squeeze2raop version: v0.4.61.3 (Oct 23 
2021 @ 23:42:11)
  [14:30:50.520315] Start:1312 Binding to
  [14:30:50.520431] StartActiveRemote:1200 DACP port: 58046
  [14:30:50.561142] AddRaopDevice:881 [0xbd2d40]: adding renderer 
  [14:30:50.562097] raopcl_create:735 [0x7f0f10009270]: using PCM coding
  [14:30:50.564103] output_raop_thread_init:126 [0xb79700]: init output raop
  [14:30:50.564194] output_init_common:290 allocating 1764000
  [14:30:50.615450] slimproto:835 squeezelite [0xb79700] <=> player [0xbd2d40]
  [14:30:50.615516] slimproto:836 [0xb79700] connecting to
  [14:30:50.615674] slimproto:866 [0xb79700] connected
  [14:30:50.615733] sendHELO:118 [0xb79700] cap: 
  [14:30:50.638327] process_strm:241 [0xb79700] strm command s
  [14:30:50.638401] process_strm:316 [0xb79700], strm s autostart: 1 transition 
period: 10 transition type: 0 codec: m
  [14:30:50.638518] process_strm:348 [0xb79700]: codec:m, ch:255, s:255, r:255
  [14:30:50.639439] PlayerThread:567 [0xbd2d40]: processing volume: 33 (-20.20)
  [14:30:56.559406] PlayerThread:552 [0xbd2d40]: flushing ...
  [14:30:56.575001] PlayerThread:416 [0xbd2d40]: Disconnecting 3124359359
  [14:30:56.575080] PlayerThread:567 [0xbd2d40]: processing volume: 33 (-20.20)
  [14:30:56.576151] process_strm:241 [0xb79700] strm command s
  [14:30:56.576210] process_strm:316 [0xb79700], strm s autostart: 1 transition 
period: 10 transition type: 0 codec: m
  [14:30:56.576339] process_strm:348 [0xb79700]: codec:m, ch:255, s:255, r:255
  [14:30:56.576564] PlayerThread:525 [0xbd2d40]: raop connecting ...
  [14:30:56.577136] raopcl_connect:1017 [0x7f0f10009270]: local interface
  [14:30:57.204271] exec_request:698 [0x7f0f1000d600]: Body data 1076, 
  [14:30:57.281157] PlayerThread:536 [0xbd2d40]: raop connected
  [14:30:57.281229] PlayerThread:567 [0xbd2d40]: processing volume: 33 (-20.20)
  [14:30:57.285982] raopcl_accept_frames:433 [0x7f0f10009270]: begining to 
stream hts:0 n:3851415057.1228279042
  [14:30:57.286070] raopcl_accept_frames:441 [0x7f0f10009270]: restarting w/o 
pause n:3851415057.1228279042, hts:169847404026311
  [14:30:57.296151] _output_frames:53 [0xb79700]: start buffer frames: 390575
  [14:30:57.296228] _output_frames:100 [0xb79700]: track start sample rate: 
44100 replay_gain: 0
  [14:30:57.306464] output_raop_thread:99 [0xb79700]: track actual start 
time:3124361319 (gap:-1170605977)
  [14:30:58.289149] PlayerThread:514 [0xbd2d40]: volume repeat or trigger 
timeout 33
  [14:30:58.769788] raopcl_send_chunk:610 [0x7f0f10009270]: check n:3124361553 
p:3124362788 ts:169847404091431 sn:9343
  retr: 0, avail: 0, send: 0, select: 0)
  [14:31:08.769658] raopcl_send_chunk:610 [0x7f0f10009270]: check n:3124371553 
p:3124372789 ts:169847404532487 sn:10596
  retr: 0, avail: 0, send: 0, select: 0)
  [14:31:18.766139] raopcl_send_chunk:610 [0x7f0f10009270]: check n:3124381550 
p:3124382791 ts:169847404973543 sn:11849
  retr: 0, avail: 0, send: 0, select: 0)
  [14:31:28.764026] raopcl_send_chunk:610 [0x7f0f10009270]: check n:3124391547 
p:3124392784 ts:169847405414247 sn:13101
  retr: 0, avail: 0, send: 0, select: 0)
  [14:31:38.761789] raopcl_send_chunk:610 [0x7f0f10009270]: check n:3124401545 
p:3124402785 ts:169847405855303 sn:14354
  retr: 0, avail: 0, send: 0, select: 0)
  [14:31:48.767012] raopcl_send_chunk:610 [0x7f0f10009270]: check n:3124411550 
p:3124412786 ts:169847406296359 sn:15607
  retr: 0, avail: 0, send: 0, select: 0)
  [14:31:58.765090] raopcl_send_chunk:610 [0x7f0f10009270]: check n:3124421549 
p:3124422788 ts:169847406737415 sn:16860
  retr: 0, avail: 0, send: 0, select: 0)
  [14:32:08.772756] raopcl_send_chunk:610 [0x7f0f10009270]: check n:3124431556 
p:3124432789 ts:169847407178471 sn:18113
  retr: 0, avail: 0, send: 0, select: 0)
  [14:32:18.770335] raopcl_send_chunk:610 [0x7f0f10009270]: check n:3124441554 
p:3124442790 ts:169847407619527 sn:19366
  retr: 0, avail: 0, send: 0, select: 0)
  [14:32:28.758218] raopcl_send_chunk:610 [0x7f0f10009270]: check n:3124451542 
p:3124452784 ts:169847408060231 sn:20618
  retr: 0, avail: 0, send: 0, select: 0)
  [14:32:36.421506] process_strm:241 [0xb79700] strm command p
  [14:32:36.421625] raopcl_pause:373 [0x7f0f10009270]: set pause 169847408397799
  [14:32:36.421682] PlayerThread:552 [0xbd2d40]: flushing ...
  [14:32:36.421710] raopcl_flush:1129 [0x7f0f10009270]: flushing up to s:21577 
  [14:32:37.422865] PlayerThread:416 [0xbd2d40]: Disconnecting 3124460206
  [14:51:01.459009] ActiveRemoteThread:1058 [0xbd2d40]: remote command pause
  [14:51:01.459216] cli_open_socket:183 [0xb79700]: opened CLI socket 13
  [14:51:01.465366] process_strm:241 [0xb79700] strm command u
  [14:51:01.465441] PlayerThread:567 [0xbd2d40]: processing volume: 0 (-144.00)
  [14:51:01.465522] process_strm:301 [0xb79700]: unpause at: 0 now: 3125564249
  [14:51:01.465522] PlayerThread:525 [0xbd2d40]: raop connecting ...

Thanks in advance!

xetroV's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=69700
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=105198

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