philippe_44 wrote: 
> You seem to have 2 servers on your network and the 1st time it connects
> to vs

Ah. Obvious now you mention it.  :-(
It seems that the server in my Touch controller has started up. Let's
hope that is the cause of the Naim drop-off issue.
Thanks for your help and sorry to waste your time with this one.

Take care of your tongue. It is in a wet place and can easily slip.

Lounge: Naim NDX with Touch as controller, Naim NAP 180, NAC 82, NAPSC,
HiCap, Shahinian Arc speakers
Kitchen/outside: Chromecast audio, Azatom iBigBoy 2 (500W)
And... SB+, radios & tons of Chromecasts... all run from LMS and
controlled via Material Skin on any nearby device and a Touch.
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