castalla wrote: 
> There are much better apps for Android and Windows than Apple's
> offerings.  In my book IOS is really overacted - I recently got an iPad
> and find it.fiddly and awkward to use compared to my Android tablets.

That is probably because you are used to using Android. I have the same
feeling when I try using an Android device; it just doesn't do it for
me. But that is because I'm used to iOS devices. 
Last year I bought a Mac Mini for my photo editing purposes. I'm a long
time Windows user and I have struggled a long time with MacOS. It is all
about what you are used to.

'Yamaha A-S3000'
(sliver) -> 'Focal Electra 1028 Be'
1 x SB Boom, 1 x SB Radio, 1 x SB Touch and 2 x RPI 2B
1 x SB3 and 1 x SB Touch in storage 
ReadyNAS NVX for storage
piCorePlayer on RPI 4B as LMS server
iPeng on iPhone, SqueezePad & iPeng on iPad, Material Skin
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