auronthas;242611 Wrote: 
> I did not manage to find the server.log at "Setting/Advanced/Logging".
> Anyway, I managed to find server.log at
> C:\ProgramData\SqueezeCenter\Logs (hidden directory) as attached.  
> Please advice me what's wrong with the restore in Trackstat.
Did you perform a restore after you enabled the debug logging for
TrackStat ?

The reason I'm asking is that I would have expected to see a line in
the log file that said something like:
Restore from: F:\trackstat\trackstat_scheduled_backup_20071111

There was no such line in the file.

Could you:
- 1. Shut down slimserver
- 2. Delete C:\ProgramData\SqueezeCenter\Logs\server.log
- 3. Startup Slimserver
- 4. Make sure plugin.trackstat debugging is enabled by selecting
"Settings" in the web interface and then the "Advanced" tab and the
"Logging" section.
- 5. Perform a restore
- 6. Post the server.log file again.


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
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