rich.simpson;288632 Wrote: 
> Eric - any plans to add this to the controller menu? - It would be very
> cool to have these functions on the controller.

Yeah, I've got plans.  Lots of plans.

Actually, I really want to find some time to do this, but I just moved
into a new house, and well, it's been eating all my time.  Only one
more room to unpack though, so maybe soon.

I've also been hoping to hear about somebody else who got a plugin
working with the Controller menus.  Didn't really want to pioneer
things there.  I haven't seen any that do that yet, not that I've done
any sort of extensive search.

> Ive also noticed that if you have the option to power up the players
> turned on it powers up all players, not just the ones in that sync
> group. Not sure if thats intentional or a bug.

Well, that's what I meant, but I'll take that as an enhancement
request.  The main issue becomes how complex do you want the interface
to become (too many options is bad).  Since the Synchronizer always
does "something" to every single player, it just seemed easier to power
them all on.  You don't really say "sync this group" and power that
group on, but you sync everything to something else (or to nothing
else).  But if I can figure out a good way, I'll do it.  As an aside, I
use the Powersave plugin, which will turn the other players off 15
minutes later, so it doesn't really bother me.  Joe Bob says "Check it

> Great plugin by the way.



SliMP3 -> the closet
SqueezeBox 1 -> Bose Soundwave
SqueezeBox 2 -> Rotel RSX-1056 -> Totem Acoustic Dreamcatchers
SqueezeBox 3 -> Rotel RX-1052 -> Vandersteen 1B's
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