>The "Next" button is called "Save" when editing a playlist and is shown
>at the bottom of the page.
Ah.  Okay.  I was editing a predefined playlist, and wanted to customise it.  I 
selected Customise SQL, and then expected a next button (edit before saving).

Tried it again - Save does show the customise SQL view, and if I don't make 
changes, the playlist isn't stuck in customised SQL mode (not saved).

>> I'm a bit unsure what things are supported in each skin - some things
>> seem to work well in Default, other functionality is only available in
>> Fishbone (everything is supposed to work in Fishbone?).
>Everything is supposed to work in all supported skins (Classic,
>Fishbone, Default),
>So please report if something isn't working, or even better post
Okay.  I thought there were some things you said that were not supported in 
default skin.

>The only case I'm aware of that doesn't work is the TrackStat browsing
>in the Default skin, but that has been intentionally deactivated.

>> I can't seem to get this new SLQ Playlist "Random songs for year" to be
>> listed in the dynamic playlist mixer
>The important part is the parameter type of the playlist parameters.
>The parameter type is the first thing entered after "--
>PlaylistParameter:", to get a year mixer you will either have to use
>"year" or "customyear".
Understood - working now as a mixer - great!

I have problems too with the "Test" button when creating the SQL Playlist 
Cutomise SQL.  It requests a year, which I select and press Next, but nothing 
happens - just asks for the year to be selected again.

-- PlaylistName:Random songs in year
-- PlaylistGroups:Random,Songs
-- PlaylistParameter1:year:Select year:
select tracks.url from tracks
        left join dynamicplaylist_history on
                and tracks.year='PlaylistParameter1'
                and dynamicplaylist_history.id is null
        group by tracks.id
        order by rand()
        limit 10;

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