bpa;330759 Wrote: 
> The name of the directory in the zip file was already "WaveInput" - this
> make me think you did not just unzip the file into Plugins but you did
> something in between. 

Originally I copied the contents of the WaveInput folder into the
Plugins folder (with no WaveInput folder). I only realized belatedly
that everything should be in that folder. (I've never installed any
plugins before, discovering WaveInput was my inspiration to install
SqueezeCenter in fact!).

> 1. What is the full path for the file WAVIN.pmp

C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\Plugins\WaveInput\WAVIN.pm

> 2. Set logging (Settings/Advanced/Logging) plugin.waveinput to DEBUG.
> Also check the box to make the setting to be applied at  restart.

Hmmm. I actually looked for this earlier and there is currently no
entry on the Logging tab for plugin.waveinput. I do see the entries for
the included plugins, however; I'm thinking my installation is truly
munged up. 

>  3. Restart SC and after SCis running. Examine  server log (see
> Settings/Status) and copy the waveinput entries in the server log file
> on to a post.

I'll try to do a complete new install of both SqueezeCenter and the
plugin, pausing only to change supported max version to * and report

Thanks for the help!!!


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