4mula1;371611 Wrote: 
> IS it just me or does SDT generate a lot of warning messages in the
> server.log?  Ever since I've used SDT (better than a year now) it has
> always had warnings about uninitialized values in concatenations, and
> now that I look back at my log from 7.2.1, it's just full of them to
> the tune of 603MB.  Yikes!
> Here's a snippet:
> [08-12-16 07:59:13.2135] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1126) Warning:
> [07:59:13.2126] Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at
> /loader/0xac2a78c/Plugin
> s/SuperDateTime/Plugin.pm line 2638.
> [08-12-16 07:59:13.2146] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1126) Warning:
> [07:59:13.2139] Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at
> /loader/0xac2a78c/Plugin
> s/SuperDateTime/Plugin.pm line 2640.
> [08-12-16 07:59:13.2156] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1126) Warning:
> [07:59:13.2149] Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at
> /loader/0xac2a78c/Plugins/SuperDateTime/Plugin.pm line 2641.
> [08-12-16 07:59:13.2169] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1126) Warning:
> [07:59:13.2162] Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at
> /loader/0xac2a78c/Plugin
> s/SuperDateTime/Plugin.pm line 2642.
> ...
> There are many, many more lines that give a warning.  I have the
> logging for plugin.superdatetime turned off, yet these messages are
> still filling my log file.
> My system:
> Solaris 10x86
> Perl 5.8.8
> When I installed SC 7.3 I had a problem with an uninitialized value
> from another perl module, so my system, for whatever reason, may be
> sensitive to uninitialized values.
eeek.  I haven't seen those.  You waited a year to point them out?  :) 
I'm on the road again for work but will have a look when I return.


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