egd;383075 Wrote: 
> I successfully carried out a deep scan of a subset of my library and the
> import log indicates zero errors.  I noticed it goes looking for artwork
> after the import, which leads to my questions: 1) if there's artwork in
> the album folders, how does it select which file it will use as the
> coverart - can this be made configurable e.g. folder.jpg; 2) I presume
> the order of things is it looks locally and then uses online
> resources.
> A quick bug to mention also - when it's finding artwork the dialogue
> box is persistent even if you switch to a different application eg. I'm
> watching it collect album art as I type this post.

Looks in the folder in this order:

Only if none found will it check online resources. I should probably
make it check for .png files too. But yes I could make this

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