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Question: Why do you use Custom Browse ?
- I need to be able to browse multiple libraries
- I need to be able to browse composers or conductors separately
- I need it to be able to filter the contents of albums, artists or
  genres menus
- I need an itermediate A-Z menu before showing artists or albums for
  a specific letter
- I need to be able to browse custom tags
- The standard browse menus can't be configured as I like them
- I need to be able to browse decades
- I need more flexible browse menus to browse classical or jazz music
- I use it because it exists but the standard browse menus works good
- Some other reason

I use them for a few very specific reasons were I think CB improves on
the standard menus:

1. When browsing artists, albums are sorted chronologically (first
album first) (needed to change the XML for this)

2. The standard "New Music" menu seem to use the "modified" file
timestamp, meaning that if I change a tag in some files, the "New
Music" menu will list those on top. CB seem to use the "created"
timestamp instead, which to me makes much more sense.

3. I use the "Random Albums" menu a lot.

Overall excellent work on that plugin, though the UI could stand to be
improved a little (mentioned in another thread).

Kvaks's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=21610
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=58894

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