Several weeks ago I posted about SDT not working at all with my SB1. I
just get this in the log:

[09-01-19 19:55:38.4927] Slim::Buttons::Common::pushMode (1718) Error:
Couldn't push into new mode: [OFF.superdatetime] !: Undefined
subroutine &Slim::Display::Graphics::setCustomChar called at
/loader/0x2faecf0/Plugins/SuperDateTime/ line 4806.

I haven't heard anything, so I'm assuming that the SB1 is simply not
supported with this plugin.

I seem to recall in the past that I hacked SDT to skip over these
undefined calls. The downside to this, of course, is that you have to
do it every time you get a new SDT. My problem now is that I can't find
the file to edit. If someone could post instructions on how to get after
the SDT perl I would much appreciate it.


- Jeff

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