psixilambda;429396 Wrote: 
> dirty, but well let's leave room for improvements :-) Alex

Alex, mvordeme: good work!  This looks promising.  I'm very interested
in hearing your test results.

What do you think would be the best way to incorporate this into the
"distribution" version of SrvrPowerCtrl?  As it stands, having those
windows functions hard coded into as presently written will
prevent the plugin from loading or functioning on non-windows systems. 
See for a way around this.  Another approach would be to
have a separate file in the distribution that
overwrites on setup.  The disadvantage there, of course, is
having to maintain two code modules in parallel.

Your thoughts?

Generally, my approach with SrvrPowerCtrl has been to keep as much OS
specific code out of the perl modules as possible and have them in the
external scripts.  Alex: I suspect that your perl skills are way
superior to mine.  Can you propose a way to modularize the the OS
specific calls so as to minimize branching on OS in the main body of the
code?  I realize that this may take some real rewriting of the code and
I'm not suggesting that you take that on...just point me in the right
direction as to the method.

One final idea: your code logic (minus the specifics of registry
writes) seems to me to come very close to filling the requirements for a
more generic system watchdog feeder as outlined by Epic1970.  Do you see
any benefit to making this code more generic and making the
implementation specific stuff (i.e. the registry writes for LightsOut)

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