>..on recipt of a particular system power management message, send a
>user configurable CLI request.
That's all it needs to do, I think.  Perhaps it needs to send CLI request and 
then delay the shutdown/suspend/hibernate power mgmt message for a while for 
the SbS processing to occur and for messages to be sent to players to switch.

Perhaps also detect if SbS is running (i.e. detect if CLI port is up/down).

Nb. My server has security authentication enabled, so it will need to send a 
logon message to CLI port first.

>I'll make the first version very bare bones: no UI...just a INI file
>that you can hand configure...something along the lines of:

>The app won't have any user interface at all.  Once run, it will just
>sit there in the background, listening for those windows messages.  When
>it hears one, it will fire off a CLI request with whatever it finds in
>the INI file.
Another way of working: could it not issue an HTTP GET request to your plugin 
page to issue to shutdown/sleep/hibernate action, thus using the plugin 
configuration information, and avoid use of CLI?

>My question to you is: are there any other system events that you can
>think of that make sense to monitor?  E.G.: logon, logoff?
Not for me; my SbS runs as a service - when the server is up, the SbS server 
should be up, irrespective of whether anyone is logged in.
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