Now when the Touch and Radio devices has been officially launched, it
feels like a good idea to open this applet for beta testing by more
people. Please, note that this is still a beta version but I like to
offer it for testing to get some early feedback and new ideas. 

I'm personally using it daily on both my Touch and Radio beta testing
units and it seems to work pretty good. Besides the Touch and Radio it
also works on the Controller and Squeezeplay Desktop. For everyone that
have used the previous alpha versions, this first beta version is the
same as the last announced alhpa versions.

It's a plugin/applet combination that makes it possible to configure
what should be shown on a screen saver. A little bit similar to what
MusicInfoSCR does on Classic players combined with Saver Switcher to
switch between different kind of information.

The plugin is currently bundled with a number of templates:
- A now playing screen where you can configure which information you
like to show, as an example, you can configure it to show any title
format supported by Squeeze Center, for example those provided by the
Custom Scan plugin.
- A clock with configurable time and date formats
- A configurable three line text screen where you can add the title
formats of your choice, adjust the font size and it shows them over the
whole screen and doesn't show any cover art.
- A cover art screen that shows the cover art over the whole screen
- A screen template for showing random album covers from your library 

The default configuration switches between the now playing and clock
screen every fifth second, but you can change this and use any of the
templates provides.

To install you will need to setup my usual beta testing repository url
in the Plugins tab (Extension Downloader) in Squeezebox Server 7.4:


After you have configured this you will get a "Information Screen
*Beta*" in the plugin list which you will need to install in your
Squeezebox Server. Then after the plugin has been installed, you will
have to goto "Settings/Advanced/Applet Installer" on the Touch, Radio or
Controller. In the Applet Installer you will also find a "Information
Screen *Beta*" applet which you need to install.

Finally, you will need to select the new "Information Screen" screen
saver on the Touch, Radio or Controller.

You will find the configuration in Squeezebox Server Settings under
Plugins/Information Screen/Manage screens.

- The volume controls doesn't exist in the Now Playing screen since
they needed more lua code than I wanted to write at the moment.
- The screen saver polls the server every fifth seconds to check if
there are any updated information, due to this it can take a few seconds
before you see visible feedback on the screen after you have clicked a
button in the Now Playing screen.
- Clicking on album covers in the screen template that shows random
album covers currently doesn't work correctly on the touch, it's
supposed to start to play the album you click on.

Some screenshots follows below.

|Filename: clockwithplaying.png                                     |


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
erland's Profile:
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