Looking at the file - the "Childrens" entry was not created properly it
is missing the "Parser" entry but Children 2 & 3 are correct and should
work. Look at the red text on the far right (use scroll bar to see
rightmost text)

  <outline URL="http://feeds.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/categories/childrens/radio/list"; 
icon="html/images/favorites.png" text="Childrens" />
  <outline URL="http://feeds.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/categories/childrens/radio/list"; 
icon="html/images/radio.png" parser="Plugins::BBCiPlayerExtra::ExtraXMLParser" 
text="Childrens 2" />
  <outline URL="http://feeds.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/categories/childrens/radio/list"; 
icon="html/images/radio.png" parser="Plugins::BBCiPlayerExtra::ExtraXMLParser" 
text="Childrens 3" />

SB remembers when URLs are fetched and also what was the result so that
if yiou used "Childrens" entry because Parser was missing, no entries
would be displayed.  Now if you try Children 2 immediately afterward
trying Chrildren,  SBS would note the URL being used is the same and so
it would return the failed result and so save time and network comms. 
The cache entry will expire after about 5 mins so if you try Children 2
say 30 mins later - then the correct Parser will be used and you will
get a good result.  Furthermore if you then test Children immediately
after a successful Children 2 - it too will work because of caching. 
This can get very confusing for users.

When I test - I have to delete the SB directory Cache/FileCache very
often to make sure caching is not giving me false results.

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=67098

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