bpa;482988 Wrote: 
> I have attached a RTMP.pm file which does not change any of the original
> 0.9f code but it has a new log message just to definitive test whether
> QNAP is behaving as a mixed endian system as follows
> > 
  >   > 
  > [09-11-08 09:02:50.7050] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::new (103) ENDIAN:LITTLE 
 Test of unpack: 0000000000000ff3  Swap flag:0
> > 
> Can you please replace RTMP.pm and play a test BBC program as before.

Not really sure if I've done exactly as you wanted, and I may have a
different setup and/or problem, but I tried to replace RTMP.pm on my
QNAP as you requested and tried to play something on BBC7. 
Logfile is attached, but I'm not sure it got far enough to get to your
new debug line on my system?
Let me know if this was of any help.

|Filename: server[1].log                                            |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=8680|


~~~~ System Info ~~~~
Squeezebox Duet (receiver firmware 62)

Squeezecenter v7.3.3
on QNAP 209 pro (SSOTS v3.15) or Vista laptop

BBC iPlayer (v0.9f) - laptop o.k., but most streams don't play on QNAP
BBC iPlayer Extras (v0.3)
MunichMelly's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33549
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=70812

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