No LIRC file for your amp so I can't help there.  Regarding controlling
an SB by ir using the SBC there are 2 options:
1) go to settings>advanced>factory test>infrared. There's an emulator
for the classic remote. It gives you all the functions but doesn't allow
mapping of the physical keys.

2) use squeezeIR. The  LIRC implementation in the current version of
SqueezeIR is a bit dodgy so it's best to use a "proper" protocol.  The
protocol is NEC, the device is 110, subdevice 145. To get the commands,
take the first two hex digits, convert to binary, pad to 8 digits by
adding leading zeroes, reverse the order of the bits, and finally
convert to decimal. (The device and subdevice are found similarly from
the predata).

eg Power (0x40BF) becomes 2 (0x40 > 01000000 > 00000010 > 2)
So the full SqueezeIR command for power would be NEC:110:145:002

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