vagskal;503442 Wrote: 
> Does this mean that CustomScan cannot read a tag that is already read
> by SBS?
It can read everything that SBS can read but it will read it exactly
the same way. So if SBS scan's something into YEAR it will appear as
YEAR also in Custom Scan.

vagskal;503442 Wrote: 
> Where can I read about the "oneof" directive? I have searched the
> forums and the wiki to no avail. I even downloaded something called
> MySQL Query Browser thinking that this could be a MySQL thing, but I
> could not find any information on a "oneof" directive.
It's a Custom Scan thing and I'm afraid the documentation is a bit
brief. The documentation that's available is what's shown in the Custom
Scan/Custom Tag settings page for the Tag Mapping field.

There is a "Use raw MP3 tags" option in the Custom Tag scanning module
for Custom Scan, I think I added that after the thread I referred you to
but I don't remember exactly. If you don't get it to work without it you
can try enabling that option and see if it works better.

Let's say you have two tags TAG1 and TAG2 and you want to have a
logical tag MYTAG that should be set to TAG1 if it exists else TAG2.

To do this you would create a tag mapping like this:

If I remember correctly, you can also do things like:
TAG1=oneof TAG1|TAG2
(Which will set TAG1 to TAG1 if it exists else it will be set to TAG2)

After this you can in Custom Browse create a menu based on Custom Scan
data and use MYTAG as tag name (in the first example) or TAG1 (in the
second example).

The "Custom Scan Info" menu template for Custom Browse is the easiest
way to look at the Custom Scan data if you want to see if the scanned
result is correct after you have changed some configuration.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
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