bpa;524812 Wrote: 
> Try removing the "-x" after "[lame]", restart SBS and test.
> Lame had a bug where the use of "-x" was incorrect and it was changed
> between version 3.96 and 3.97 or 3.98.
BPA, you are the MAN!
Thank you - deleting the "-x" worked! No more white noise, but an
actual stream!
Thank you so much!

However, still a problem remains: 
The system keeps rebuffering - no steady stream possible. (this does
not happen on the squeezeplay - only on the SLIMP3.
Do you have any idea why this is?
A question potentially be related: 
Why is an original 20kbps converted to a 320kbps stream??
Is there a way to reduce the  converted bitrate?

Thanks again for your help!!


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