> Quote:
> > > > Ok, so I've installed the custom clock helper app and when I try and
> > configure a new custom clock, I see form fields that I have no
> > familiarity with.
> > 
> > The Wiki page says "3. Modify any style parameters and click save"
> > 
> > I'm stuck right there. This needs elaboration. Is there more
> > documentation elsewhere?> > 
> I'm afraid not, but here is a short description.
> The main parameters in the upper part:
> - name: The unique name of the style
> - models: The Squeezebox model the style is for, I'd recommend only
> checking one
> - background(optional): The background image to use, typically an url
> to a png image
> - backgrounddynamic: Indicates if background should be re-read at
> regular intervals
> - backgroundtype(optional): Background color to use, typically only
> used unless no "background" has been specified
> - clockposx(optional): Not used anymore, leave empty
> - clockposy(optional): Not used anymore, leave empty
> In the lower part you define all text or image items that should be
> displayed, you can look at one of the predefined styles if you like a
> sample.
> When adding a new item on the lower part, you might need to:
> 1. Select "New item..."
> 2. Click Apply
> 3. Specify the "itemtype" parameter
> 4. Click Apply
> After 4, the rest of the item parameters will be adjusted to those
> applicable to the itemtype you have selected.
> Many items have parameters like:
> - posx: X coordinate of item
> - poxy: Y coordinate of item
> - text: Text to display in text item, might also be a time format
> (for timetext items) or a title format (for track*text items)
> - url: The url to the png image to use in image items
> - color(optional): The text color to use for text items
> - order(optional): Drawing order, higher number will be drawn on top
> of lower number, often you can leve this blank
> Hopefully this will get you started. You can look at the predefined
> styles if you want some samples and there are also a number of more
> advanced styles which can be imported on this wiki page:
> http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.ph...m_Clock_styles
> You import by selecting "Style:Import..." and pasting the text from
> the text files linked from the above wiki page.
> If you have made something and don't get it to work, you can just
> click the "Export" button to export the style to a text file and then
> post it in the forum so someone can help you.
> It's a good idea to post this in the "3rd party plugin" section of
> the forum so other users who have made Custom Clock styles for the
> Radio will see your questions too.

Is there a way to incorporate a set of digits built into a png file for
use in a clock display?

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