mherger;536431 Wrote: 
> > The problem seems to be with the files themselves.
> Are you using underscores and/or spaces in the original filenames too?
> Make sure you're running SBS 7.5.1 or later. There has been a bug in
> 7.5.0 which would prevent some filenames from working.
> And feel free to share one of those pictures with me, if you think it's
> the file itself. Send it to michael ät herger dot net.
> Michael


It does appear to be a file name issue even though I'm running 7.5.1
r60611. All of the files have multiple spaces in the names. If I rename
them '1.jpg', '2.jpg', etc. they display fine. A sample original
filename is 'Costa Rica 2009 020.JPG'

BTW I really like the plugin. It's a simple way to stream the pictures
off my server. I appreciate your work.

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