> It does appear to be a file name issue even though I'm running 7.5.1
> r60611. All of the files have multiple spaces in the names. If I rename
> them '1.jpg', '2.jpg', etc. they display fine. A sample original
> filename is 'Costa Rica 2009 020.JPG'

I can confirm that the space is an issue in 7.5.x. Bad news is: I doubt we can 
fix this in 7.5.x. Good news: it's already working in 7.6. The artwork code has 
been rewritten for the next version of SBS, which fixes this issue as well as 
it highly improves performance. That said 7.6 is not ready for release. Feel 
free to give it a try if you feel adventurous. I'm running it with no major 
issues. But it's been little tested on any platform but Linux. 7.6 will greatly 
improve the Photo Gallery experience!


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