GoCubs;536637 Wrote: 
> Good to see someone expanding the functionality of the plugin.  Instead
> of altering SuperDateTime's plugin.pm SDT does expose some functions
> via an API for making a independent plugin that adds a data provider to
> SDT to easily add its own display content.
> If you search the forums I've provided some details on the API in the
> past, you can also look at
> http://gregbrown.net/squeeze/SuperDateTime/OceanTides/OceanTides1-1-0.zip
> for a dated (may need tweaks to work with latest Squeeze Server)
> example.  There are a couple more examples at
> http://code.google.com/p/mdmplugins/
> Like you said instead of bloating SDT for something like this it'd be
> best to create a simple plugin that SDT calls when it's doing refreshes
> that will handle the new parsing and pass back the additional display
> info.
> Cheers
> -Greg

Thanks! Definitely the way to go, although I think I need to enhance
the extension mechanism slightly.

I've had a look into OceanTides and the others, and they seem to create
their own "page" of data to display. What I'd like to do is to piggy
back onto the printf style %X mechanism in the replaceMacros function
-- that way users can choose information from different providers on
the same screen -- I don't think that's possible with the extension

If replaceMacros called replaceMacros in extension modules. That'd be
handy! If that's the right approach let me know -- I'm happy to
suggest/code the change to the core SuperDateTime to support this.

A potential issue clashing with future % codes. My code uses
%X[FMK]\d+(eg %X3 or %XF99.  \d is 1-99, and optional letter specifies
a conversion to Fahrenheit/Miles/Knots).

My other thought is that in a perfect world where you got paid for this
(!) it'd be nifty to refactor the various core providers into their own
SuperDateTiem extensions (eg one for MLB and NLA, wunderground, etc).
That could encourage more take-up of extensions (although create a bit
of work in the first place for probably very little gain).

(Aussie users, give me a few weeks to get this fit for human
consumption, new baby etc).

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