Thanks a lot for updating the plugin version to 1.2.1 but I (again,
sorry) found some issues:

1. Some of my folders contain metadata files that share the basename
with a JPG image, like a.jpg has a a.jpg.xmd Unfortunately version
1.2.1 still adds the .xmd files to gallery.prefs.
2. Having those xmd files in it seem to render squeezebox unusable.
Looks like it scans all the files in an endless loop.
2. I removed all xmd file references with the line 
cat gallery.prefs | egrep -v "xmd" > gallery.prefs.clean
and renamed the files after the operation. After restarting
Squeezeserver the server now runs normally again, but the screen saver
slide show does not play (unable to load list of images) while the web
interface shows all images in a long list.

Any idea?

Thanks for your great work,

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