I've been looking for a long time for the "ideal" media playing system,
I settled on Meedio with a dual-monitor setup (one is a small
touchscreen), but it has limitations.  UPnP/DLNA is now taking off in a
big way and this is exactly what I wanted to do 4 years ago!

1. Cataloguing my collection in the way I want it.
2. Control from a hand-held touch-screen device.
3. Multi-zone control.

I have exhausted many trials of downloadable media servers.  Even
high-end custom multimedia installations fail on the most basic premise
that they can't categorise your music in any other way than by Track
Artist, Album Title or Genre.

Meedio's library handling is absolutely fantastic, possibly the only
one that is completely flexible is organising menus, sub-menus, steps,
lebves, drill-downs, sorting orders etc.  But it fails on 2 and 3 and
jhas other limitations and bugs.  It is now obsolete. The revamped
MeediOS is still under development and can't be considered production
software.  It has a UPnP module under development (to publish the
Meedio library via UPnP), but it doesn't appear to work very well and
is still a way off.

I have started to use Synology NAS units for data storage and backup
and they have a built-in UPnP server which works extremely well, but it
can only do Artist, Album and Genre.  What about Album Artists,
Compilations, multi-disc sets etc, sorting albums by year, etc??  Most
media servers mangle my correctly-tagged music and render it
unbrowsable.  What's the point of having a powerful media database and
not being able to specify how to catalogue it?

I've now come across Squeeze Server.  Of course, I always overlooked it
at first becuase it's a proprietary system and will only work with
Squeezeboxes, and of course will not do photos and videos.  But I was
intrigued as to its more flexible tag recognition and also the Custom
Browse plugin.  And now, I've come across the Whitebear UPnP server. 
Wow!  Is this the software of my dreams - a flexible database,
catalogued how I want it, and published via UPnP to allow playing on
any device around my house?

I was playing around withit last night and I'm extremely impressed.  I
haven't got it completely working yet but it shows great promise.  The
two major problems I've found are as follows:

1. I can't actually play anything! (I'm browsing via a WD HD TV Live
box, but will eventually use a UPnP control point on an iPad to push
media to the renderers).  I can drill down to individual tracks and
press Play, the Now Playing screen will come up and display the album
art, but the track doesn't actually start.  If it can display the album
art, there can't be any permission problems to the media directory. 
I've changed the default UPnP port to 2869 as originally I couldn't get
the WD box to discover the Whitebear server.

2. I've altered the settings in the Squeeze server which are supposed
to enable multi-disc sets and album artists, however the menus I get
via Whitebear don't change - they seem like the default Squeeze menus. 
Does Whitebear just use the default menus or will it honour the settings
and configurations you've made within Squeeze and indeed the Custom
Browse plugin if you've got it installed?

Many thanks for keeping my dream alive!

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