erland;578164 Wrote: 
> Seems to be 256MB according to the specification, I suspect this is
> causing the problems.
> I think your best option is to wait for the SQLite database in SBS 7.6
> and hope that it solves the problem unless you feel ready to run SBS on
> a separate box which have more memory/CPU.

I kinda always new this is where we end up on this issue.  Bummer.  The
Duo is pretty pathetic - no very pathetic.  I purchased it because the
ReadyNAS was the only NAS Logitech supported for SBS - besides at the
time, I just didn't know enough about all this and had to trust them on
their recommendations and to choose a model I could afford.  Oh well.
Live and learn.

I'm thinking about a work around marking all songs in this playlist
with say 4 stars and playing the list through TrackStat.  Can you play
a Track Stat list shuffled?  I haven't really explored it that much. 
What do you think - or are the limitations of memory and useless NAS
devices are still in play in that scenario too.

It's hard to believe that a 'stock' SBS can't offer the same
functionality as its 'Random Mix" against playlists too.  That feature
works fine against all 8000+ tracks in my library, feeding up 10 random
tracks each time - why can't it do the same against a playlist?

Thanks Erland for all your help, I really appreciate it.  Someday maybe
I'll be able to get a bigger and better NAS set up and then I'll be able
to enjoy your products.  Thanks again for all your help.


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