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Question: Are you interested in IR-over-IP?
- Yes, I'd like to have IRoIP.
- No, I don't care.

Wow! I must say this is a great piece of software! Thanks a lot for your
effort indifference_engine.. :)

After spending some time finding the IR codes for my amp, I was able to
translate it into a working xml file for the applet to use.. and boy did
it work! Fantastic!

My amp is a Denon PMA-510AE, and for others struggling to get this
working there are some nice hints in post #210 of this thread. I
followed the pattern explained there, using the Sharp codes I
(eventually) found at

I ended up using the DENON protocol with device ID 2. The commands
available are the following:

<command ID="POWER"><value>144</value></command>
<command ID="PHONO"><value>129</value></command>
<command ID="RECORDER1"><value>153</value></command>
<command ID="RECORDER2"><value>154</value></command>
<command ID="CD"><value>130</value></command>
<command ID="TUNER"><value>131</value></command>
<command ID="LINE"><value>132</value></command>
<command ID="VOLUME_UP"><value>141</value></command>
<command ID="MUTING"><value>139</value></command>
<command ID="VOLUME_DOWN"><value>140</value></command>

Now the next step is to start looking for codes for my other A/V
Another great thing I'm looking forward to is the possibility of
controlling SqueezeIR over WiFi.. 
Then I would glue my Duet controller into the charging dock (the
battery lasts a good 5 mins max), point it towards my A/V equipment and
create an app for my Android phone that would replace all my existing
remote controls.. how neat is that?

Again, thanks a lot for this great piece of software!!

polsat's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=36943
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79524

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