I can not get this WMA stream
mms://vipnrj.yacast.net/cheriefm_webradio02 to play in SBS.
Plugin PlayWMA is installed and I checked this setting:
Squeezebox Server settings -> Advanced -> File Types -> Windows Media
-> Disabled

When I play the stream with mplayer from the command prompt it plays
without a problem (see below)

Any help would be appreciated.

Version: 7.5.2 - r31632 @ Mon Dec 13 13:06:10 PST 2010
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: x86_64-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.1 - x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.1.49-1ubuntu8.1
Total Players Recognized: 1

[10-12-23 16:24:46.7393] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (307)
Read to end of file or pipe
[10-12-23 16:24:46.7395] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (330) end
of file or error on socket, song pos: 8097792
[10-12-23 16:24:46.7397] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (335)
00:04:20:1e:1f:45 mark end of stream
[10-12-23 16:24:46.7398] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (343)
Didn't stream any bytes for this song; mark it as failed
[10-12-23 16:24:46.7400]
Slim::Player::StreamingController::playerStreamingFailed (2103)
[10-12-23 16:24:46.7402]
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage (774) Problem: Can't
open file for:: mms://vipnrj.yacast.net/cheriefm_webradio02
[10-12-23 16:24:46.7406]
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (271)
00:04:20:1e:1f:45: StreamingFailed in BUFFERING-STREAMING ->
[10-12-23 16:24:46.7407]
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (284) params:
errorDisconnect => undef

(more server log in attached zip)

mplayer mms://vipnrj.yacast.net/cheriefm_webradio02

MPlayer 1.0rc4-4.4.5 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team

Playing mms://vipnrj.yacast.net/cheriefm_webradio02.
STREAM_ASF, URL: mms://vipnrj.yacast.net/cheriefm_webradio02
Resolving vipnrj.yacast.net for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: vipnrj.yacast.net
Resolving vipnrj.yacast.net for AF_INET...
Connecting to server vipnrj.yacast.net[]: 1755...
connect error: Connection refused
Resolving vipnrj.yacast.net for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: vipnrj.yacast.net
Resolving vipnrj.yacast.net for AF_INET...
Connecting to server vipnrj.yacast.net[]: 80...
Resolving vipnrj.yacast.net for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: vipnrj.yacast.net
Resolving vipnrj.yacast.net for AF_INET...
Connecting to server vipnrj.yacast.net[]: 80...
Cache size set to 195 KBytes
Cache fill: 16.49% (32768 bytes)   
ASF file format detected.
[asfheader] Audio stream found, -aid 1
Clip info:
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
AUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, floatle, 128.0 kbit/4.17% (ratio:
Selected audio codec: [ffwmapro] afm: ffmpeg (WMA Pro audio (FFmpeg))
AO: [pulse] 48000Hz 2ch floatle (4 bytes per sample)
Video: no video
Starting playback...
A:1426231.4 (396:10:31.4) of 1844674428928.0 (512409556:18:33.6)  0.5%

|Filename: server.log.zip                                           |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=11035|

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