>The track *URI* is passed from Foobar > Whitebear > SBS, and SBS then
>downloads the track from that URI. (Whitebear is a kind of a middleman
>to set up the connection between client and server, but the actual
>connection and data transfer is done directly from Foobar > SBS).
Guess this means that Whitebear only works with local apps then?

>So if SBS chokes on the meta data in the track, then you need to either
>blame the originl meta data, or FooBar, or SBS ;-)
Foobar and SBS both display the track with the right list of artists when I 
play the song directly.  But if I play through Whitebear, it doesn't.  Not sure 
what to investigate, but some day I'll get round to having a look!

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