
I've managed to install the plugin successfully but I am having trouble
accessing playlists.  If I go to 'playlists' it'll take a while but
eventually list them all, if I choose Starred Tracks for example, it
will take a minute or two before timing out both on the web interface
and on the controller. The web interface will give the following

There was an error loading the remote feed for : (Error reading
headers: Server closed connection without sending any data back at
/Net/HTTP/Methods.pm line 306. ...propagated at /Net/HTTP/NB.pm line
32. )

The debug log looks something like this :

[14:37:52.921] process_playlists:758 process playlists
[14:37:53.062] process_playlists:830 bad playlist: 32 of 82 - unable to
[14:37:53.140] process_playlists:830 bad playlist: 51 of 82 - unable to
[14:37:53.140] process_playlists:830 bad playlist: 54 of 82 - unable to
[14:37:53.203] process_playlists:830 bad playlist: 70 of 82 - unable to
[14:38:07.203] main:454 req: playlists.json res: starred par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[14:38:38.328] main:1245 timeout process_singleplaylist
[14:38:38.328] process_singleplaylist:852 process single playlist
[14:38:38.328] process_singleplaylist:887 playlist: timeout
[14:38:38.360] main:454 req: playlists.json res: starred par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[14:39:09.360] main:1245 timeout process_singleplaylist
[14:39:09.360] process_singleplaylist:852 process single playlist
[14:39:09.360] process_singleplaylist:887 playlist: timeout
[14:39:09.391] main:454 req: playlists.json res: starred par: (null)
prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[14:39:38.563] main:454 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[14:39:38.563] process_status:1037 process status
[14:39:38.845] main:454 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[14:39:38.845] process_status:1037 process status
[14:39:39.860] main:1245 timeout process_singleplaylist
[14:39:39.860] process_singleplaylist:852 process single playlist
[14:39:39.860] process_singleplaylist:887 playlist: timeout
[14:39:43.079] main:325
1.1.1 started
[14:39:43.782] main:454 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[14:39:43.782] process_status:1037 process status

Thanks for any help.

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