PeterGV;601965 Wrote: 
> It took me a while to figure out what SqueezeServer and Win7 are doing
> with the installed plugin files, but I *did* manage to figure it out. 
> I think.
> If anybody else has the same problem that I've been having... I created
> a fix for parsing the weather page when the class tag has "twc-severe"
> added to it.
> The fix is pretty limited, but it should prevent SDT from crashing due
> to this particular problem that I've been seeing.
> You can download my fixed version of from:
> To try the fix, you'll need to replace in the
> Plugins-SuperDateTime-Plugins.par file, that (at least on my Win7
> system) is located in
> C:\Users\All
> Users\Squeezebox\Cache\InstalledPlugins\Plugins\SuperDateTime\lib\
> (remove any spaces in the path above... they're an artifact of the line
> length)
> If this fixed version works for folks other than just me, I'll do some
> more work on making the parsing functions a bit more bulletproof (as
> described in my post last month).
> Peter

This worked for me!  Thanks

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