I've been getting this error for a few months. If I try a few times it
generally works in the end.
It started when I added a Radio to my 2 duets and boom but continues if
I unplug the radio.
Not sure what else to add, I hope the logs make sense to someone out
there. If you need more information please let me know, I've seen
similar problems on the forum but not this exactly.

[11-02-10 06:58:16.1722] main::init (323) Starting Squeezebox Server
(v7.5.3, r31792, Mon Jan 24 07:32:03 PST 2011) perl 5.010000
[11-02-10 09:15:46.7681] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Remote::__ANON__ (237)
Error: Can't connect to remote server to retrieve playlist for,
Couldn't resolve IP address for: wm-live.bbc.net.uk.
[11-02-10 09:15:48.2202] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Remote::__ANON__ (237)
Error: Can't connect to remote server to retrieve playlist for,
Couldn't resolve IP address for: wm-live.bbc.net.uk.
[11-02-10 09:15:48.7733] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Remote::__ANON__ (237)
Error: Can't connect to remote server to retrieve playlist for,
Couldn't resolve IP address for: wm-live.bbc.net.uk.
[11-02-10 16:59:54.7621] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (341)
Error: getting http://feeds.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/bbc_radio_two/popular
Couldn't resolve IP address for: feeds.bbc.co.uk
[11-02-10 17:00:19.5298] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (341)
Error: getting http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/availability/radio2.xml
Couldn't resolve IP address for: www.bbc.co.uk

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