StevieM;616982 Wrote: 
> Any ideas why the command seems to work in terminal but not in the
> plugin?Sorry...ReallyPreventStandby is still ReallyBeta.  You need to set some
permissions in the /etc/sudoers file for ReallyPreventStandby to work
on linux...just like you do with the SrvrPowerCtrl setup.  And like
SrvrPowerCtrl, there is a script distributed with the plugin that will
do this for you.  Eventually, the plugin help page will include the
instructions for how to run this script in order to finish the setup. 
But for now, here are the instructions:

Basically, in the /etc/sudoers file we'll be telling ubuntu to allow
the 'squeezeboxserver' user to masquerade as you when executing
gsession-inhibit.  This has to happen because the 'squeezeboxserver'
user otherwise has no access to the gnome GUI system.  This is a quirk
of Squeezebox Server.  On OSX, SBS runs under whichever account first
set up SBS.  On windows, SBS can be configured to run under any
account.  On linux, SBS is installed to run under 'squeezeboxserver'
with vary limited privileges. This is not necessarily a bad thing, by
any means.  But it does mean that, in order to give 'squeezeboxserver'
permissions to interact will the system, we have to give it some
enhanced permissions.

If you haven't done so already, open a terminal window and execute:

  sudo cat /etc/sudoers
  sudo cat /etc/sudoers

That will show you the contents of the sudoers file 'before' & 'after'
we make our changes.

You should see at the end of the sudoers file:

  squeezeboxserver ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: 
  squeezeboxserver ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/killall -9 gsession-inhibit

I then suggest that you go back to the SBS web interface and to the
ReallyPerventStandby settings page and click on the "Reset all settings
back to default values" link at the bottom of the page.

If you want or need to further debug things, go into the
SBS->Settings->Advanced->Logging and check the "Save logging settings
for use at next application restart" option and then, further down the
page, switch the "(plugin.ReallyPreventStandby) - Really Prevent System
Standby" logging level to "Debug".  Save the changes on that page and
then go back to the ReallyPreventStandby settings page and re-reset the
settings to the defaults, again, by clicking that link.

Please let me know if that does the trick for you.

StevieM;616982 Wrote: 
> Why the log cannot be written too - I am unsure how to change write
> permissions, I'm a linux newbie.
In linux, again from a terminal prompt, one can make any file writeable

  sudo touch /full/path/to/the/file
  sudo chmod a+rw /full/path/to/the/file

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