mark-e-mark;631152 Wrote: 
> I wonder if it's possible to expose the squeezebox favorites list to
> players?  This would allow me switch radio stations (I have Pandora
> stations in my favorites) from my remote.I have just now created a new beta 
> version of Whitebear that exposes the

However, I encountered difficulties with Favorites that refer to remote
radio or podcast urls. It seems that sometimes a remote radio or podcast
url is a direct link to a music stream, but sometimes the remote url is
an INDIRECT link to a playlist file (.pls or .m3u format) which is a
text file that contains a text list of one or more urls pointing to
real music streams.

Now unfortunately, many existing UPnP / DLNA players do not really
support such playlist text files. So the conclusion is:  Yes, I could
include Favorites in a next version of Whitebear, but unfortunately No,
it would not support the indirect playlist variety (.pls or .m3u) of
remote radio or podcast streams; only the direct url (.mp3, .ogg, .wav,
.flc) variety is supportable.

I don't know if this is sufficent? => What do you think?



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