Interesting... visiting I see that they're the technology  
partner behind iTunes Genius mixing... MusicIP imho could help them  
improve this service, as it's given me poor results compared to MIP.


Am 01.07.2011, 08:13 Uhr, schrieb erland  

> slackhead;638709 Wrote:
>> What a shame!
> Not sure it can be much worse than it already was.
> It's a lot better that a company that plans to use the technology owns
> the patents than someone who don't have any plans to use the
> technology. As we all know, MusicIP hasn't been updated since AmpliFIND
> took over the business, so this can only be better compared to what we
> have had during the last 2 years, hopefully this means that we will now
> see some evolution.


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