Lars Eriksen;639770 Wrote: 
> Everything else works great on my Squeezebox Duet, but the most
> important feature - Spotify (using Triode's plugin) - I am unable to
> get to work properly. I have tried many times over several weeks, but
> it plays only a couple of seconds of music at a time, then stops to
> buffer, plays another couple of seconds, stops again to buffer, and so
> on. After a short while it gives up on the song and moves on to the
> next one in the playlist, where the same thing happens again. Debug log
> excerpt:
> [00:03:45.879] main:457 req: playlists.json res: (null) par: (null)
> prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [00:03:45.879] process_playlists:836 process playlists
> [00:03:50.857] main:457 req: playlists.json res:
> spotify:user:lars.h.eriksenlaylist:5PF79YSkUUkxn ovAKyIpct par: (null)
> prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [00:03:50.857] process_singleplaylist:932 process single playlist
> [00:05:20.373] main:457 req: playlists.json res: (null) par: (null)
> prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [00:05:20.373] process_playlists:836 process playlists
> [00:05:24.588] main:457 req: playlists.json res:
> spotify:user:lars.h.eriksenlaylist:5PF79YSkUUkxn ovAKyIpct par: (null)
> prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [00:05:24.588] process_singleplaylist:932 process single playlist
> [00:05:44.069] main:457 req: playlists.json res:
> spotify:user:lars.h.eriksenlaylist:5PF79YSkUUkxn ovAKyIpct par: (null)
> prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [00:05:44.069] process_singleplaylist:932 process single playlist
> [00:05:44.096] main:457 req: stream.flc res:
> spotify:track:480dDrqG7LO6qDaphHeXlM par:
> player=00%3A04%3A20%3A17%3Acf%3A0a&start=0&sync=1& id=22 prot:
> SPOTSTREAM/1.0 auth: (null)
> [00:05:44.096] main:569 newstream connection from
> [00:05:44.096] main:1136 Now playing: Invisible Touch
> [00:05:56.738] main:457 req: relogin res: (null) par: (null) prot:
> HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [00:05:56.738] main:1094 relogin requested
> [00:05:56.738] main:1119 resetting streambuf
> [00:05:57.220] main:457 req: stream.flc res:
> spotify:track:4MfgoC0s6TZDKj2tkmaAoE par:
> player=00%3A04%3A20%3A17%3Acf%3A0a&start=0&sync=1& id=23 prot:
> SPOTSTREAM/1.0 auth: (null)
> [00:05:57.220] main:470 waiting for logout to complete
> [00:05:58.220] main:470 waiting for logout to complete
> [00:05:59.220] main:470 waiting for logout to complete
> [00:05:59.223] logged_out:51 logged out
> [00:06:00.244] metadata_updated:68 new meta
> [00:06:00.256] log_message:64 log: 22:06:00.256 I [ap:1372] Connecting
> to AP
> [00:06:00.430] log_message:64 log: 22:06:00.430 I [ap:922] Connected to
> AP:
> [00:06:01.244] main:569 newstream connection from
> [00:06:01.244] main:1136 Now playing: Tonight, Tonight, Tonight

You could try disabling spotify -> flac in the settings, file types
menu.  Otherwise what does the log say if you set helper app logging to
stream debugging.

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