Triode;644480 Wrote: 
> Don't see why you have two entries here - its as if you have the plugin
> installed twice?  Suggest you note where the settings information page
> says plugins are installed, then stop the server and look in all
> locations for the Spotify plugin and delete them - does this remove the
> duplication?
This is what "info" says about plugin locations: 
C:\PROGRA~1\SQUEEZ~1\server\Slim\Plugin, C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Squeezebox\Cache\InstalledPlugins\Plugins,

I've looked there and can see no sign of any Spotify plugin expcept one
instance of SpotifyLogi (C:\Program
Files\Squeezebox\server\Slim\Plugin\SpotifyLogi). The other two
locations (...\Cache and ...\server\plugins) are completely empty.

I'm starting to suspect I've run into some general problems with the
SBS setup ... I just realized I miss some other plugins in the settings
page, e.g. Erland's CustomBrowse and the SMD alpha plug. Think something
has gone seriously wrong with my SBS configuration - I fear SBS is
looking for a thorough clean-up :-(

I realize this is not the forum for that type of problem, but if you
happen to have some good advice on how to do a cleanup/reset without
losing all settings, I would appreciate it!

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