Phil Leigh;656917 Wrote: 
> So, in preparation for this, would it make sense to add MB tags to my
> files?... Will I get any benefit from this?... And will it mess up
> SBS?

Generally speaking, getting musicbrainz identity tags into your music
files are a good investment and it won't break anything in SBS. The
thing that can break things is if the tagging tool you use overwrites
other tags.

If you use the Musicbrainz Picard tagger, it will not just write the
musicbrainz identity tags it will also write ARTIST, ALBUMARTIST,
ALBUM, TITLE tags. So you might want to be careful if you know your
tagging is properly done and you don't want it to be overwritten by

My experience is that for pop/rock music musicbrainz metadata is very
good and I've never felt any need to change anything. The only thing I
don't remember for sure is if Picard also writes GENRE tags, if it
does, that might be something that could cause problems if you have
carefully tagged your music with the GENRE tags you want.

If you use the puddletag tagger, I believe you have the choice to only
write the identity tags without the risk to mess up your other tags.
However, I'm not sure anyone has got puddletag to work on Windows yet,
so if you are a Windows user it might not be an option.

The advantage of having musicbrainz identity tags in your files today
- SBS and TrackStat will be able to keep statistics data, like ratings
and play counts, even if you move/rename the files on the disk.
- In the future 'SMD'
( is going to use
them to retrieve extra metadata from online services.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
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