I wanted a way to play the soundcloud links I keep running into on my
squeezeboxes. Squeezecloud was born.

v0.1 is live at
https://github.com/downloads/blackmad/squeezecloud/SoundCloud.zip --
source code is obviously gpl'd and lives at

currently it can:
--play from a soundcloud url 
--display hot & recent tracks
--search by tags & query

it's entirely based on the fantastic YouTube plugin from Joerg. I
hacked this up in the past few hours, there's lots of vestigal code
from the youtube plugin, as well as lots of logging. I fully expect
there to be bugs, please contact me with issues/suggestions/patches.
There's probably an issue with soundcloud links with periods in the
urls, will debug.

Still to come is being able to work with soundcloud playlists, fixing
period issues, and possibly working with soundcloud user accounts.


whizziwig's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=52902
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=92723

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