reniera;689152 Wrote: 
> Ipeng keeps crashing very frequently (every 2minutes). I upgraded to ios
> 5 and this is still the case. I run 7.7.1 with ipeng 1.2.6. How to
> resolv this ?

Is there something reproducible that makes it crash?

It may be an issue with certain artwork in the currently playing file.
Could you try to play something else on that player and see whether
this helps?
Do you have some players synced?

I've got an update waiting for review in the App Store for quite a
while now that I hope will fix the issues I know about but every two
minutes really sounds like too often for all the problems I know of.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at
pippin's Profile:
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