I have been having problems with occasional breakups of Listen Again
programs for the last few days. Typically I'll get one or two breaks
during 30 minutes of playback. My BBCiPlayer settings for stream
preferences are AAC -> FlashAAC -> FlashMP3 -> WMA. Note - I am located
outside of the UK.

The programs that I have had problems with are AAC (when I check the
program info whilst playing). I have also noticed problems in the logs
with WMA but it's not clear to me when those files are being played
instead of AAC.

My server logs have lots of entried like this..

[12-03-27 09:47:25.7174]
Plugins::BBCiPlayerExtra::ExtraPlayableParser::parse (82) Extra
Playable playlist URL  =http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/playlist/b01dpnmx
[12-03-27 09:47:28.5596] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147)
Error: Select task failed calling
Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingResponse: illegal file descriptor or
filehandle (either no attached file descriptor or illegal value):  at
line 150.
; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xa935a64)
[12-03-27 09:47:28.5701] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147)
Error: Select task failed calling
Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingResponse: illegal file descriptor or
filehandle (either no attached file descriptor or illegal value):  at
line 150.
; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xa935a64)
[12-03-27 09:47:28.5711] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147)
Error: Select task failed calling
Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingResponse: illegal file descriptor or
filehandle (either no attached file descriptor or illegal value):  at
line 150.
; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xa935a64)

additional 25 pages of the same error
[12-03-27 09:47:28.6623] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147)
Error: Select task failed calling
Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingResponse: illegal file descriptor or
filehandle (either no attached file descriptor or illegal value):  at
line 150.
; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xa935a64)

I can basically live with the problem at the moment but it's a real
nuisance and I'd rather get it solved. 

I have checked my router logs and I can't see any problem there. The
player (Squeezebox 3) is connected via Wifi to a router with a manually
configured ip address, the LMS 7.7.2 rc1 server (running on Vista) is
also connected via wifi (reserved ip address in DHCP).

What is the cause of the "Select task failed calling
Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingResponse" error? 

Any one else have these errors in their lms server log? 

Is it a problem with the plugin or with LMS?

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