castalla wrote: 
> Apologies for banging on about the plugin - I realise support is not
> directly available from the author.  I just hope there's somebody out
> there who might be able to advise on the problems I am having getting
> this to work.
> I have a Radio and a Touch.  The Radio is always connected to
> The Touch is used to switch between a local server (7.7.2) and
> I've set the plugin to transfer the Touch to via the Suspend
> menu option.  This is always successful.  The local PC shuts down.
> When I restart the server, the Touch always fails to return to the
> server.  However, the Radio always returns - despite the option to only
> switch originating command player back.
> I have tried to exclude the Radio by specifying only switch the Touch by
> mac address.  I have double/triple checked the radio and touch mac
> addresses!
> I have reinstalled LMS, rebooted server and Touch - still no switch
> back.
> Has anyone out there got any suggestions?
> Help please!
> (Is it possible that powercntrl doesn't work with 7.7.2 ???)
> (I have disabled the Radio - the Touch still refuses to return)

Could you please explain me how to configure player to shutdown to
mysquezzebox service after "externally" shutting down server (in my case
a windows 7 laptop)?

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