BoomX2 wrote: 
> Greg,
> If you want to keep focusing on the changes I can help you
> with the MLB fix.  I have MLB scores working on my system again, but
> want to check a couple more things before passing it on.
> Don

Thanks Don.  Wish I had checked this first.  I actually have it working
on mine now too, but similar to you it's hard to know for certain if
what I've done covers all the possibilities.  Here's my current 'for'
loop.  Have a look if you don't mind.  There's a lot of different ways
to parse this stuff.

        for my $game_div ( @game_divs ) {
                next unless $game_div->look_down( "_tag", "div", "class", 
qr{game-header} );
                my @clock = $game_div->look_down( "_tag", "p", "id", 
qr{statusLine1} );
                my @teams = $game_div->look_down( "_tag", "a", "href", 
qr{/mlb/team/_/name/} );
                my @scores = $game_div->look_down( "_tag", "li", "class", 
qr{finalScore} );
                if ( (scalar (@clock) > 0) && (scalar (@teams) > 0) && (scalar 
(@scores) > 0) ) { #Make sure we got some good HTML to play with
                        #my( $outcome_txt ) = $outcome[ 0 ]->content_list;
                        my( $clock_time )  = $clock[ 0 ]->content_list;
                        my( $away_team )   = $teams[ 0 ]->content_list;
                        my( $home_team )   = $teams[ 1 ]->content_list;
                        my( $away_score )  = $scores[ 1 ]->content_list;
                        my( $home_score )  = $scores[ 2 ]->content_list;
                        my $home_logo = $teams[1]->as_HTML;
                        my $away_logo = $teams[0]->as_HTML;
                        $home_logo =~ m/name\/(\w+)\//;         
                        $home_logo = 
'' . $1 . '.gif';
                        $away_logo =~ m/name\/(\w+)\//;
                        $away_logo = 
'' . $1 . '.gif';
= $home_team;
= $away_team;
$sportsData{'MLB'}{$home_team.$clock_time}{'homeLogoURL'} = $home_logo;
$sportsData{'MLB'}{$home_team.$clock_time}{'awayLogoURL'} = $away_logo;
                        #For now we'll just set the game logo to the home team 
$sportsData{'MLB'}{$home_team.$clock_time}{'gameLogoURL'} = $home_logo;
                        #Check to see if home score is a numeric, otherwise 
there isn't a score yet and set to blanks
                        #if( $home_score =~ /^\d/ ) {
                        if( $clock_time =~ /ET$/ ) {
$sportsData{'MLB'}{$home_team.$clock_time}{'homeScore'} ='';
$sportsData{'MLB'}{$home_team.$clock_time}{'awayScore'} ='';
                                $home_score = '';
                                $away_score = '';
                        else {
$sportsData{'MLB'}{$home_team.$clock_time}{'homeScore'} =$home_score;
$sportsData{'MLB'}{$home_team.$clock_time}{'awayScore'} =$away_score;
= convertTime($clock_time);
                        if ((teamCheck($home_team,\@MLBteams)==1) || 
(teamCheck($away_team,\@MLBteams)==1)) {
                                displayLines($client, $clock_time, $away_team, 
$home_team, $away_score, $home_score, 'MLB', 'getMLB', \&shortenMLB, \%MLBmap);
                else {
                        $status = '-';
                        $log->warn('Error parsing MLB data');

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