Hello - I wondering if anyone has a clue about this problem?

Triode Spotify Plugin can access playlists and put them up in the
playlist pane, but the tracks cannot be played.


Network and server details:
Subnet 1: Local server on Ubuntu 12.04 with Static IP address running
LMS 7.7.2 - r33893 with Spotify Triode Plugin v2.2.9 on default settings
(port 9005 for Helper App etc).  One wired SB Receiver firmware v77 with
a DHCP assigned IP address.  All firewalls turned off on local server.

Subnet 2: ADSL Router, wired to NAS drive with music library (NAS drive
on static IP) and one wirelessly connected SB Receiver firmware v77 with
a DHCP assigned IP address.  The only port forwarding on the router is
on ports 22 (SSH) and 9 (WOL).

I have operated this setup for some time without problems (I can access
Squeezenetwork, NAS drive music library, and internet radio without
problem.  I recently subscribed to Spotify, and after having no luck
getting the Official Spotify App working properly I’m now trying the
Triode App. 

The app has been installed properly, and can access my playlists;
however music tracks will not play.  They start to try to play and then
the player skips to the next track on the list.  Running the Spotify
plugin settings ‘Start Test’ from Subnet 1 gets a Pass on all tests
except the last (5th) where it fails with “Player did not connect to
helper app...” or sometimes “Streaming test could not start...”. 
Running ‘Start Test’ from Subnet 2 fails immediately with “Help App is
not running - please check why”

Spotifyd log has statements like:
[17:13:57.909019] music_delivery:445 streamtest - player did not connect
within timeout
[17:13:57.909482] music_delivery:564 error writing
[17:13:57.909800] _sockprintf:391 unable to write to socket: 14 errno:
32 Broken pipe

The server log is saying things like (Web Browser access to
MySqueezeNetwork is not a problem at this point):
[12-11-02 17:04:08.0505]
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (334) Unable
to get players from SN: Timed out waiting for data, retrying in 300
[12-11-02 17:34:27.1026]
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (334) Unable
to get players from SN: 502 Bad Gateway, retrying in 300 seconds

The scanner log has no entries while the testing was being carried out,
nor when trying to play tracks from a Spotify playlist.

Do you think this is a subnet issue, some kind of port issue, a problem
with app, with spotify, with the local server, or something else?

Many thanks for any advice.

sdosman's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57818
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79706

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